2024 Advanced Autonomous Mobility Workshop

Request Info

The past few years have seen increased interest in self-driving technologies. Miami is at the forefront of autonomous mobility and has become a prime location for testing and development. The Miami Engineering Autonomous Mobility Initiative (MEAMI) at the University of Miami College of Engineering and industry partners is focused on advancing electric aircraft that can take off and land vertically or on short runways. MEAMI's goal is to create a form of transportation that is efficient, quiet, safe, affordable, and well-received by the public.

The Advanced Autonomous Mobility Workshop will include discussions on the development of autonomous mobility technology, and what policy changes are needed to introduce self-driving vehicles into society. The workshop will also explore effective ways to educate the public, train workers, and build the necessary infrastructure for autonomous vehicles.

When and Where

April 16th & April 17th, 2024

Lakeside Village

University of Miami
1280 Stanford Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146

Discussion Topics

  • Aerodynamics and propulsion
  • Lightweight structures
  • Sensors and imaging
  • AI and Autonomous control
  • Sustainable infrastructure
  • Workforce development


MEAMI Workshop and Panel Discussion

Time Event
7:30 am – 8:00 am Registration and Breakfast
8:00 am – 8:30 am Welcome and Introduction  
  • Willy Prado, Interim Executive VP for Academic Affairs & Provost, University of Miami
  • Gary Spulak, Former President & Vice Chair of Board of Embraer Holdings, Inc.
  • Pratim Biswas, Dean, College of Engineering, University of Miami
8:30 am – 9:30 am

Plenary: Current and Future of Advanced Autonomous Mobility

  • Antonio Campello, President & CEO, Advanced Air Mobility Association
9:30 am – 10:45 am Keynote: NASA Vision on Advanced Air Mobility
  • Ken Goodrich, Research Engineers, NASA Langley Research Center

Panel Discussion: Aerodynamics, Propulsion, and Materials

  • Moderator: Gecheng Zha, Professor, College of Engineering, University of Miami
  • Kang Xu, Chief Scientist, SES AI
  • John Veilleux, Founder and CEO, Land Rotor Inc
  • Curt Lary, CEO & Lead Engineer, Hextronics Inc
  • Patrick Currier, Professor & Department Chair, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
10:45 am – 11:00 am Coffee Break
11:00 am – 12:15 am

Keynote: Autonomous mobility -- Sensing, Communication, & AI

  • Ella Atkins, Professor and Department Chair, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 

Panel Discussion: Autonomous mobility -- Sensing, Communication, & AI

  • Moderator: Pratim Biswas
  • Burhan Sebin, Head of Research, Venture Miami
  • Mingzhe Chen, Professor, College of Engineering, University of Miami
  • Tianhong Cui, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
  • Meredith Carroll, Professor, College of Aeronautics, Florida Institute of Technology
12:15 pm – 1:30 pm Networking and Lunch
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm

Keynote: Government policy and workforce development for AAM

  • Keith Carswell, Chief Economic Development Officer, City of Miami/Venture Miami

Panel Discussion: Government Policy and Workforce Development

  • Moderator: Qingda Yang, Professor, College of Engineering, University of Miami
  • J. C. Asencio, Manager of State/Local Ecosystem Partnerships, Wisk Aero
  • Doug Roberts, President & CEO, Frost Science Museum
  • Dan Sloat, Founder & President, Advanced Air Mobility Institute
  • Jaydeep Mukherjee, Director, Florida Space Grant Consortium
  • Shreya Kuntawala, Assistant Vice President, Government Relations, University of Miami
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Coffee Break 
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Keynote: Investment and government funding opportunities for AAM

  • John Veilleux, Founder and CEO, Land Rotor Inc

Panel Discussion: Infrastructure, Investment, and Government Funding Opportunities

  • Moderator: Keith Carswell, Chief Economic Development Officer, City of Miami/Venture Miami
  • Philip Brady, Manager of Partnerships and Acquisitions, Skyports LLC
  • Gerald Hughes, Founder & CEO, Belter Tech
  • Ian Annase, Founder & CEO, Zing Drones Solutions
  • Sean Borman, President & CEO, AeroAuto LLC.
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Reception 

MEAMI Short Course and Technical Presentations



10:00 am - 10:45 am

Plenary Presentation: Advanced Autonomous Mobility – A Miami to Global Perspective

  • Michael Pishko, President, American International University – Kuwait

10:45 am- 11:30 am

Short course session 1: Aerodynamics and Propulsion

  • Gecheng Zha, Professor, College of Engineering, University of Miami

11:30 am – 12:15 pm

Short course session 2: Aerial Vehicle Design with Consideration of Human Factors

  • Meredith Carroll, Professor, College of Aeronautics, Florida Institute of Technology

12:15 pm -1:15 pm


1:30 pm – 2:15 pm

Short course session 3: Sensors and Imaging for AAM

  • Tianhong Cui, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota

2:15 pm - 3:00 pm

Short course session 4: Autonomous Control and AI for AAM

  • Mingzhe Chen, Professor, College of Engineering, University of Miami

3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

Short course session 5: AAM Infrastructure Requirements

  • Prannoy Suraneni, Professor, College of Engineering, University of Miami
  • Philip Brady, Manager of Partnerships and Acquisitions, Skyports LLC

3:45 pm – 4:30 pm

Short course session 6: AAM Education Outreach and Workforce Development

  • Jaydeep Mukherjee, Director, Florida Space Grant Consortium

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Closing remarks

  • Pratim Biswas, Dean of College of Engineering, University of Miami
  • Gecheng Zha, Professor & Director of MEAMI, University of Miami

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Coffee and Adjourn
